Monday, July 7, 2008

Our new world's reeducation program treats all with care. Those who go against their fellow citizens, ergo our civilization as a whole, shall be introduced into this reeducation program. Being involved with terrible movies that go against our society, whether by directing to even owning or renting, is one of the few ways one can go against his/her fellow citizens.

Our program will reteach these anti-citizens all they know about movies and culture. Our program has been specially made to reinform all those in the program. No more Transformers, or Micheal Bay in general, and definitely no more "reality" shows like the OC, The Hills, or whatever other s**tty ass shows are out there. (Seriously what the f**k is wrong with you people? Fake reality soap-opera shows? You people will be the first in the reeducation programs.) With the dear love and care from our trained specialist, all these people will be transformed by whatever means necessary, and then be released as a new citizen instep with his fellow countrymen.

1 comment:

movie_fan225 said...

I know so many people that need to be introduced to this program. I like the sound of this program. It'll work.
p.s.- I think you should photoshop a tiny name tag on Austin that says "Staff". Just a suggestion.